Dr. Adam Goltra
Dr. Adam Goltra
Adam has been practicing physical therapy in Colorado for 8 years and specializes in outpatient orthopedics. He enjoys the variety this realm of physical therapy provides as he enjoys treating patients of all age groups and activity levels. Adam is originally from Southeast Kansas and received his doctorate of physical therapy at Wichita State University in 2016.
Adam enjoys an active lifestyle and grew up playing multiple sports and understands the difficulty and frustration of pain and injuries limiting your full potential to do what you need and want in life.
Adam has a strong passion for treating patients in chronic pain, post surgery, sports rehab, dizziness/vertigo, and general orthopedic issues. Adam is an avid sports fan and when not in the clinic he enjoys spending his free time fishing, hiking, golfing, playing sports, working out, spending time with family, volunteering, and reading.
Here is a direct word from Dr. Adam: “The reason I chose physical therapy for a career is because the current healthcare model is flawed and has many broken parts which are unable to provide true patient centered healthcare. I believe quality physical therapy is and should be a main leader in healthcare, especially in outpatient orthopedics, because we have the unique ability to understand and see a patient’s entire care from their most vulnerable to their full potential. As physical therapists we are not just a drop in the ocean of healthcare providers, we should be the ocean”.
Street Cred
B.S Biology with Pre-Physical Therapy Emphasis
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Wichita State University
Certified Functional Dry Needling (Cert DN: Level 1 & 2) American Academy of Manipulative Therapy
Certificate in Spinal Manipulation (SMT-1)
Certificate Current Concepts Vestibular Rehabilitation
Certificate Treatment Maneuvers for BPPV
Certificate IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization)
Consistent Clinical Instructor for DPT Students