This exercise will improve the strength and alignment of your big toe. Place a pen or stick by the side of your foot. Actively lift your big toe to reach the stick. Complete 10 repetitions on each...
Foot / Ankle
Toe Stretch with Band
This exercise will improve the mobility and flexibility between your big toe and little toes. Start by placing the band around both big toes and spread your heels apart as tolerated. The goal is for...
Big Toe Press and Lift
This exercise will improve strength and mobility of your big toe. Start by rubbing the top of the big toe to stimulate the muscles for better activation. Lift the big toe as far as you can...
Interlaced Toe Circles
This exercise will improve the mobility between your toes. Start by interlacing your fingers between each toe. Next, flex and extend the toes for one minute and then rotate your ankle and toes for 1...
Standing Hip Flexor Stretch
This exercise will improve flexibility throughout your spine, hip flexor and big toe. Start by bringing the left foot back with the heel elevated off the floor. Tilt your pelvis under, reach your...
Dynamic Calf Stretch
This exercise will improve your range of motion and flexibility throughout your calves and ankles. Lie on your back and hold the back of your right thigh with both hands. Extend the leg up towards...
Massage Bar for Calves
This exercise will improve the tissue extensibility throughout your calf muscles and fascia and is a great prep to do before stretching. Start in a half kneeling position and massage the back of one...
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